Before you schedule a moving date with your Durham mover, you may want to look into the safety of your chosen neighborhood. You’ll want information about sex offenders, gun crimes, and other violent and non-violent crimes that have happened in the area in recent months. This information may lead you to choose one neighborhood over another. Try these resources for up-to-date safety information.
1. Look up crime in your new neighborhood with the Durham Police Department Crime Mapper. Create a search by typing in an address or street intersection. Choose the type of incident, or if it’s a gun related crime. This will generate a map with crime locations, and will give you data about the number of related crimes in the time frame you choose.
2. Family Watchdog is another site to check out. It gives you the addresses of registered sex offenders in a given area. Also search the National Sex Offender Public Website. This site can generate a map of sex offenders, or can give you a list with photos. Read more on both sites for tips on keeping yourself and your family safe.
3. If you still need more information about crime in your new neighborhood, try the website Spot Crime. This site will create a map with information about arrests, arsons, assaults, burglaries, robberies, shootings, thefts, and vandalism. Check into this map when comparing one neighborhood against another for the number of past crimes.
Once you feel secure about the safety of your new neighborhood, you can feel comfortable scheduling your Durham mover, and committing to a new address. Once you arrive, check in with the neighbors to see if you can join the neighborhood crime watch group. You may be able to support their efforts, making the area all the more safe for everyone.
Photo provided by Flickr user @ell-r-brown under the creative common license.
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